About the Author

If I were to describe Erica in one word, it might be the word "passionate." Erica is not just "interested" in people, places, animals, and hobbies, Erica is passionate about them. The cool thing about having someone like this close in your life is that passion for life is contagious. As I've gotten to know Erica and her interests better, I myself have had my eyes open to the beauty and wonder of things that I didn't consider too special before.

I think of this blog as an insight into the life of someone who sees the world with a special excitement. In a time when so many challenges are all around us, I think we all need to be reminded of what is good, beautiful, and exciting about this little blue and green marble that we call home.

I'm so happy that somewhere along the way, Erica became passionate about me and our relationship together. Being married to her is unquestionably one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I hope you came to this blog looking to catch the passionate-about-life bug, because trust me, it's definitely contagious.

-Seth, Erica's Husband


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