Brain Graphs

Hi friends!

Do you ever feel restless?

I have an intense inner restlessness. It drives me to try new things, have new experiences, and learn as much as I can on the journey.

It's also caused me some struggle with the typical expectations and patterns of our society. Can anyone relate? But I'm learning how I fit! We all fit! And that I am needed! We all are needed! We each contribute unique skills and talents to our families and communities.

Rather than follow my general tendency towards lengthy descriptions, let me make my husband proud by using a few graphs to illustrate the point.

Some of us have brains that work a little more like this (my husband for example):
The Hiring Graph To Go Up , Next Quarter- Good News For The ...

While some of us feel our brains work more like this (me):
graphs Archives - LunarLincoln
It might look crazy, but it works for me! This is how I learn and experience the world.

Have you ever gotten so interested in something that you literally couldn't stop yourself from thinking about it? And finally after delving into the depths and learning everything about that thing, you lose interest and move onto something completely different?

It's kind of the story of my life.

 For example, several months ago, I developed an intense interest in guinea pigs. But it wasn't just a normal interest... I thought about guinea pigs every single day (almost non-stop), to the point that I would dream about pets, and wake up thinking about them (again). I immersed myself in the world of guinea pigs, and looked forward to taking my kids to any location where we could look at guinea pigs. (I know it's childish. And yes, I know where practically every pet store in my county is located.) Eventually my obsession faded, and I became interested in other things. But that's a glimpse of how my mind works.

This blog will be a place to write about my various interests as they come and go!

If you relate to this, I'd love to hear from you! If you don't relate to this at all, I'd love to hear from you too!

Which graph do you relate to?

Do you have one main hobby, or many?

Until next brain dump,



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